
i'm a load ass...

... that comes from my buddy brad. he used to be like "i'm a load ass okay? i like to drink, i like to get hammered....". it always made me laugh. i do like to drink... although not as much as i used to. like the other night i was out with this chick getting drinks at the bar, and after a few rounds and shots, i was like damn, "this girl is drunk and annoying, and i'm barely buzzed". i think i've been too up tight lately, and i've had a lot on my mind. but anyhow, i wanted to catch up to be on her level, but i had to drive, and there's nothing worse than finding yourself sober and trying to listen to the drunken ramblings of a girl. then she busts out with.... "i burnt my pussy yesterday". she must have known i'd stopped listening to her. she went on to say that she had simply spilled hot soup in her lap. i was hoping for a better story. then she said she'd show me the marks the soup caused (oh by the way this chick has a "boyfriend" who is also her nieghbor) and i said "no thanks". i end up going back to her house, and we walk by this dude's house (the "boyfriend") and he's passed out with a beer in hand. we walk in to her place and there's a bunch of well, load asses, eating pot brownies (it's 1:00 AM !). and i thought i was a load ass.


the load ass blog begins

So after trying to fight the whole blogging/myspace/ me me me stuff you always see on the internet, I’ve given up. I mean all people do on these things is rant and vent, or show how clever or unique they are, or how they know obscure information, or how they are cool by being different. Am I wrong here? But now that I’ve got my own computer to use at work, and endless amounts of down time here, I need a way to fill my day. I will not bore you with my day to day goings on, or my job, but rather just write. We’ll see if this holds my interest.

oh and, i'm gunna fight this highway


welcome world...

... to Dks blog. if you can't beat em, join em, Lates