
Write a Letter

When something pisses you off, it sucks to only be able to write a letter. But at least i did, and will mail it tomorrow.

To whom it may concern:

On Friday, March 9, 2007 at 4:00 in the afternoon, my brother and I left Pasadena and headed to Fairfax High School, excited to a great high school basketball match up set to tip off at 7:00. As proud alumni (my brother graduated in 2001, myself in 1997) we follow Pasadena High School sports enthusiastically and attend several games a year including many during this year’s playoff run.

Upon arrival around 4:30 PM, Fairfax officials had yet to even begin ticket sales. We waited patiently and discussed the game with other excited supporters. Even at that time, about a hundred fans were ahead of us. Soon after, the line swelled substantially behind us. No security was present.

Shortly after 5:00, ticket sales began from just one window. We crept slowly towards the front but were assured several times that at least all of us toward the front would get inside. An announcement made around 5:45 stated that ticket sales would stop briefly while people with tickets were allowed to enter. No additional announcements were made. No ticket sales ever resumed. We stood 10 feet from the ticket window.

The foreseeable then ensued. Frustrated people crowded the front. All semblance of a line disappeared. Elderly women were literally pushed aside. No security came and no announcements were made.

It was too late. As 6:45 approached we realized we would not be getting in and fought our way out of the front of the line. By this time hundreds were outside. People still waited patiently at the back of a seemingly endless maze of would be spectators. As we got in the car, a couple asked if we were leaving and if they could park in our spot. We told them not to bother and to leave for their own safety. Only the next day did I read about riot police being called in.

The entire event was a disgrace. Pasadena lost the game, but we were only upset because we would not get to see this unique and talented team again. How this state and city sponsored event could be so unorganized is unexplainable. Playing two teams ranked in the top five in the state in a small high school gym without any security at all is embarrassing and inexcusable. It is extremely lucky no one was injured.

Thank you for your time,

David Kujawa