
Is four twenty really a holiday?

You know for all the internet has done these days, there’s still not a whole lot on it to read. Maybe I’m just jaded. I remember when I first had real internet access, like real high speed shit in the dorms at UCSD, we would be on it for hours, downloading, chatting, emailing, and reading all sorts of shit. Illegal music, newspapers, crazy porn. Now I’m bored after “surfing” for an hour. I guess if we all contribute they’ll be more interesting stuff to absorb. You’d think there’d be a huge demand for writers, yet with the fall of newspapers, there’s not many good ones out there. The news has been so whittled down that the most you get is a few paragraphs. You’d think sites would get traffic if they were simply written well, not just updated constantly, or filled with celebrity side-boop. What happened to developing a fresh take, supported by evidence dug up from sources, that really made you pause, think a little, learn something? Probably too much work.

Anyhow, in other news it’s 8:00 at night and 80 degrees outside. I think we all need to move closer to the beach before it’s too late.