
Monday Thursday?

Actually I think it’s Maundy Thursday, or last supper day right? I went to Sunday school way back when. Today is also exactly one month from my birthday and we’re going camping to celebrate. I can’t wait.

I was listening to Gangstarr on my ipod today for the first time in a while. Allow me to quote…

“Sometimes you gotta dig deep, when problems come near
Don’t fear things get severe for everybody everywhere
Why do bad things happen, to good people?
Seems that life is just a constant war between good and evil”

I love that part. It goes on…

“Don’t even feel like drinking, or even gettin high
Cause all that’s gonna do really, is accelerate
The anxieties that I wish I could alleviate
But wait, I’ve been through a whole lot of other shit, before
So I oughta be able, to withstand some more
But I’m sweatin though, my eyes are turnin red and yo
I’m ready to lose my mind but instead I use my mind
I put down the knife, and take the bullets out my nine
My only crime, was that I’m too damn kind
And now some skanless motherfuckers wanna take what’s mine
But they can’t take the respect, that I’ve earned in my lifetime
And you know they’ll never stop the furious force of my rhymes
So like they say, every dog has it’s day
And like they say, God works in a mysterious way
So I pray, remembering the days of my youth
As I prepare to meet my moment of truth”

I think I like the theme of perseverance. The whole, what doesn’t kill me makes me stronger cliché seems to resonate with me. You have to think through problems, but be yourself, take responsibility, and respect will come.

Back to what I was going to say… I keep hearing on the news that gas will be $3.00 a gallon this summer. I hate to tell you, but at the Chevron by my house in San Diego it was $3.10 for regular today. I decided not to fill up just out of spite. It makes me wonder though how high the price will get, and when people will stop buying it. In Cali gas is like the air you breath, you need it to survive. But, if the price keeps going up, it’s really going to start to squeeze people. It affects people without much money even more because they usually have older cars, longer drives, and obviously less extra cash. It’s been over 100 years since the first gas engine was used and you think we’d move on by now.


Lauri said...

I wonder how long it would take to ride my bike from Sierra Madre to Pomona?

Pete said...

I'm gonna start taking the goldline

mike said...

$3 for gas!! that's one thing i love about nyc. even sf had much better public transportation than la.

appojax said...

we should all ride bikes.