
Quick Post at School

I love my new computer and I highly recommend it. It’s the new MacBook Pro and it’s sweet. I’m actually at Loyola Law right now surfing wirelessly in the library after finishing a draft of a memo on promissory etoppel. After a slow start, I got on a roll and I just e-mailed it to the prof. Easy as that. Now I’m off to be a load ass at Bima’s to watch the Trojans. Go SC!


I Love L.A.

Originally uploaded by NCLee1955.
Go Dodgers! The game last night vs. the Padres was insane. The Dodgers were down four runs and then hit four straight solo homeruns (two off Hoffman). Then the Pads scored in the top of the tenth only to have Nomar hit a two run walk off homer in the bottom half. Dodgers win! Probably the craziest game I've ever seen. Read the play by play on the Dodgers Blog.


Must Keep Blog Alive...

My blog sucks right now, i know. I now realize that a blog is great when you have a boring job and are trying to pass away the hours, but it's a real chore when most of the hours of the day are filled with more important and interesting things. I’m still getting adjusted to my “new life”. I know they say the night law program is “part time”, but I’m still taking four classes (12 units): property, contracts, torts, and legal writing. I also started working at the Crown City Brewery. I'll be bartending Wednesday day and Friday day and serving tables Sunday night (please stop by, it gets rather boring). The work load in the classes, especially the writing one is already going up, and with the addition of work, I see my free time disappearing rapidly. But don't worry, I'm going to leave Saturdays as my one load ass day of the week (Go SC!).

Finally, this being 9.11 I guess I should make a few comments: I watched the video of the planes hitting the towers on youtube today and every time I see it I still can’t believe it. I also can’t believe how inept our President has been in handling the whole thing. I could go on and on, but I won’t. It’s all been said. I just feel for the innocent people on the planes and in the buildings just minding their own business and being killed so senselessly. I also imagine myself in the shoes of the police and firemen who tried to help, not ever expecting the buildings to fall. I also feel for all the young troops who have lost their lives fighting a mismanaged war. 2973 people died on 9.11 and 2991 have died since, fighting the “war an terror”.