
Quick Post at School

I love my new computer and I highly recommend it. It’s the new MacBook Pro and it’s sweet. I’m actually at Loyola Law right now surfing wirelessly in the library after finishing a draft of a memo on promissory etoppel. After a slow start, I got on a roll and I just e-mailed it to the prof. Easy as that. Now I’m off to be a load ass at Bima’s to watch the Trojans. Go SC!


Larry III said...

Your link to word ratio is out of control. your lapper does look cool. Terri is movin in to Diane's office, and lisa might have saved herself.

good FF luck this weekend.

appojax said...

ben is that u?

mike said...

whaddup dave! glad to hear law school's been good for you. i didn't realize you were doing the part-time program. i can't imagine working and going to school at the same time. i've definitely been horrible about my blog as well, so don't feel bad about it.