
Load Ass Woodstock

Summer in P.B., you gotta love it. But at the same time, it’s kinda out of control. The traffic is insane, the parking sucks, and there’s people everywhere. I must be getting old. P.B. on a sunny summer day is a sight to see. Now, there’s talk of banning alcohol from the beach and I never thought it would happen, but now I can see it in the future. There are just so many people getting hammered. I love to have a few beers on the beach, but now there’s people stumbling around and just getting shit faced. I witnessed a guy making jungle juice, ingredients: a heavy pour of cheap vodka, one frozen juice concentrate, and three miller lights. Now that’s a recipe for disaster. It used to be a bunch of students having a good time, now it’s like a Woodstock for load asses. We met some people from Tennessee and from Ohio who had already gone to college and then just moved out to S.D. just for the good times. Plus, when everyone leaves, the beach is covered in trash. I spent 15 minutes or so walking around our general area trying to pick up. It’s just an example of how a good thing (drinking on the beach) can be exploited by a few people (people taking it too far, and coming solely to party) ruining it for everyone (especially me).


Larry III said...

here's hoping the nice guys won't finish last, and can still enjoy a sandy canned tecate in seclusion.

Kudos for picking up after people... that part of the story is a F-ing tradgedy.

Everyone join surfrider www.surfrider.org ...try and solve the problem. I'm all in.

Anonymous said...

some people aren't as good at being a consciencous drunk/loadass such as yourself

Lynlee said...
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Lynlee said...

That's a terrible recipe for jungle juice

Pete said...

My Favorite recipe for Jungle Juice: 1 bottle of SoCo one can lemonade concentrate, 1 liter os sprite. Yum.

appojax said...

don't forget everclear

Pete said...

By the way, the term "Woodstock for Load Asses" is pure gold. P.S. We are getting old. See one day you're like "I love drinking beer on the beach!" and you're digging holes for Kegs then a couple of years later you're like, "I like to have A beer on the beach." Next thing you know your like, "I wish people didn't drink so much on the beach." A few years from now ya'll ...we're gonna be right with the "no beer on the beach" lobby. Sad.

Lynlee said...

Was that a Greg sighting???

Kujo said...

have you had a soco and lime GBZ??

and that was a bad recipe. you need at least three types of alcohol... plus, jungle juice isn't jungle juice without the floating frozen fruit.

appojax said...

that's called sangria, and it's for theatre majors. are you a theater major??? huh?