
It Continues

blogging is tough work, it takes commitment, it takes passion, it takes time. so, i'll try to keep it entertaining with these takes, but it's hard because you want to tell good compelling stories but at the same time, you don't want to get yourself or others in trouble. according to linoln "Tis better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt".

but this is the load ass blog, and i was out two nights ago with my roommate for happy hour, and next thing i know i'm doing shots at the Fox. my buddies sister gives me her keys at some point and says "don't let me drive home". sure enough though, two in the morning, i'm passed out and someone's knocking on my door. it's her, and guess what (no she does not want to get down), she wants her keys to drive home. i mean come on. i'm hereby over holding people's keys, they always just take off anyway.

1 comment:

Randy said...

The Wordsmith strikes again!!