
Karma, The Ponies, and of course Beer

I'm sick of people talking about Karma (okay, so I said I wasn't going to rant on this thing but eh?). Every bad break I get, especially when it comes to women, people I talk to often attribute it to bad karma. First of all karma is not real, it's a belief (see karma). It's made up. It's like the Easter bunny. Or not eating meat on Friday's for lent (that affects me because I work in a fish restaurant and it goes off on those nights now). Second of all, it’s almost like people insinuate that I deserve bad karma for all the girls I’ve screwed over or something. I know this is hard to believe, but I don’t think I’ve ever screwed someone over, at least not intentionally or malignantly. Furthermore, it's as if people think some guy in the sky is keeping track of every good and bad deed, and then doling out good karma for those who do "good". It would be nice if it worked that way, but it doesn't. I think I’m a pretty good person, and I try to be honest and helpful to others just because it's a better way to live one’s life; you shouldn't do good for some mysterious incentive like karma or heaven. Bottom line: you should never be accused of having something as asinine as “bad karma”.

And on a drunker note, we drank all day Saturday. We started at the broken yolk (mimosas), then bet on the horses at the OTB (numerous coors lights), and went out to the bar (jack and cokes, shots). Horse racing is so much like life. It’s all should’ve, would’ve, could’ve. The one race I don’t bet Kent, he wins, beating my horse in a photo. Anyhow, I ended up in this girls crazy pad and some how hailed a cab at three in the morning. It was a good time.

Oh, and check this out, I got some random e-mail on myspace today from some chick in SD trying to "meet good looking guys". Check out her page, WTF?


Randy said...

She's a faker Dave. Anyone who asks you to join anything to look at her "sexier" pics is a con.

Kujo said...
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Anonymous said...

Yo Dave, I am proud that you now an excellent speller, because when you growns up, you growns up and you growns up.

By the way: I liked that peekatha girl's panties when she was cooking breakfast, which is how she'd be doing it for me you know what I'm sayin?
Seriously though, that was a pretty good page for that sort of fake-ass thing. Ususally they don't put any effort into into it, cuz a dude's doing it. You should look into it! Or maybe not.

Kujo said...

I can spell okay, i just can't type for shit.