
RE: Comments

Please allow me to "blog" on a few of your comments. Ms. Hoffman did have a mean mullet, and Amgen is a great company. That lab we did way back when was really cool and highly educational. Most people would never get to do hands on Molecular Bio until the middle of college, not the middle of high school. If we were smart, we would have bought Amgen stock in 1995 and then sold it in 2005 (Check the Chart) and all been rich. Damn it.

As far as Matisyahu goes, I think he's a highly talented reggae vocalist with a band that can blend all types of reggae beats well. But, I think he's a bit over hyped. I mean the only reason he's so popular is cause he's a white Jewish guy. There's a lot of good new reggae in San Diego, such as: Kush, Elijah Emanuel, and The Devastators, but they're not going to blow up like Matisyahu. It's like the Eminem phenomenon. I mean granted he's talented, but he blew up cause he was "different", largely because he was white. Music in general is a weird scene. I have no idea how people can listen to that garbage by groups that I'm ashamed to even know exist, like the Ying Yang Twinz, Dem Franchize Boyz, and that unbelievable song, "I'm in love with a Stripper". You have got to be shitting me.

On another note, the Big Bear trip was fun (click on my flickr badge to see some pics, or check out the load asses in the hot tub). The cabin was cramped and they had these weird, internment camp style, pull out beds; but the company was good and the snow was even better.

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