
Strange Consequences of Global Warming

I read this article in the New York Times today. To sum it up, hikers found a frozen body in a glacier and it turned out to be a WWII pilot. I mean the guy must have fallen from the plane and then literally got frozen in time. Now with global warming, the glacier melted and they found him. Sorry but that’s just crazy. The military ID'd the guy and is going to give him a "proper burial". I don't get why the military is so bent on burying people. I think if it were me, I’d rather be frozen in a glacier than be cremated or stuck in the ground. And speaking of glaciers, every one needs to check out Glacier National Park in Montana. Especially before all the glaciers melt. I think I need a picture to prove my point. Isn’t it pretty?

But back to drunken tales…. St. Patty’s day was a mess, so we went to a house party and I passed out on a shitty sofa. The next morning we continued with mimosas, Jamison shots, Irish car bombs, tequila shots, tall beers at a baseball game, pitchers of margaritas, and ending with grand marnier and me passed out on my own couch this time right around sundown. Not so pretty.


appojax said...

wasn't st. paddy a week ago?

go bruins! U c L a . Sorry I'm a bastard. Tell Danny to stop playa hatin on Hollins. That fool's from Dena-Town.

Anonymous said...

i would also rather be frozen in a glacier. is there somewhere i can sign up for that? or i gues there won't be any glacier's left by the time i die at the ripe age of 150 (thanks to new technology you should be developing dave)