
I think my blog is on life support

I never (except right now) do list type things because I generally think that no one gives a damn what my top three things are… But two of my favorite bloggers (ajax, and mik wu) did it and it’s a list created by a fellow Field mouse alumni, so here goes it. Plus it looks like a good long entry to keep this things pulse.

3 Things I'm Obsessed with Right Now
1) Vegas
2) Bike Riding
3) Beer

3 Things I'm Obsessed with Permanently
1) Beer
2) USC Football
3) Fantasy Basketball

3 Things I Believe are True, But Aren't
1) People are all generally good hearted
2) I could’ve been a pro athlete
3) The world is flat

3 Things I Want People to Say About Me When I Die
1) He was a good man
2) He lived a good life
3) I miss him

3 Things I'm Good At (the conceited category)
1) Remembering facts
2) Looking at the big picture
3) Archery (yeah right, I meant drinking)

3 Things I'm Bad At (the low self-esteem category)
1) Being patient
2) Talking on the phone
3) Modern Video games (too many damn buttons)

3 Things That Baffle Me
1) Putt Putt golf
2) Languages other than English
3) Quantum electrodynamics

3 TV Shows That Many Other People Watch, But I Don't
1) American Idol
2) Survivor
3) West Wing (As far as T.V. shows go, I really only watch Lost and the HBO shows)

3 Inventions for Which "I don't know how we lived without it" is Not Just a Saying
1) The mobile phone (I don’t know why I was such a hold out)
2) The inter web
3) Satellite radio

I hope this entry doesn't cause my blog to "jump the shark". I promise more drunk'n tales soon.


appojax said...

who is this shark, and when can i meet them?

mike said...

"I could’ve been a pro athlete" - dude, me too! (although it would've been in some lame ass sport probably).

What were you doing in Palo Alto?

Anonymous said...

You wish you were cool enough to watch the west wing but you just don't want to dedicate time to watch a 7 season serial show. Loadass!